Every Business Needs Transformation, every Profession needs Network, every Idea needs an Incubator!
We are Catalyst of Transformation, Network for Professionals, Incubators for Ideas!

PROCAT (Professional Catalysts) is a Business Transformation and Networking Enterprise, formed by collective strength of Industry Experts and levitated by combined acumen of Business stalwarts.

PROBIZ (Professional Business) is a Business Excellence Program, which provide Management Services to SME sector on time sharing basis, bringing the benefits of World Class Competences without the overbearing price tag.

PROTRX (Professional Transformation) is a Business Transformation Engine, run by hardcore Business & Technology Experts, which works hand in hand with the Promoters to Transfer, Turnaround and Transform businesses.

PRONET (Professionals Network) is a Collaboration Platform to connect Product & Service Providers, mostly in MSME sector, covering all domain and technology, in a mutually beneficial Ecosystem.

PROGNX (Pro Generation Next) is an Ideation and Incubation Cell for young Technologist & Entrepreneurs, who are buzzing with bright ideas.

PROKEN is our Knowledge Management initiative, aimed at Grooming & Mentoring.


We become a Part of your Management for predefined Time bound intended Wealth Creation. Therefore we call ourselves PROFESSIONAL CATALYSTS.