PROCAT (Professional Catalysts) is a Business Transformation and Networking Enterprise, formed by collective strength of Industry Experta and Levitated by combined acumen of Business stalwarts.
We become a Part of your Management for predefined Time bound intended Wealth Creation. Therefore we call ourselves PROFESSIONAL CATALYSTS.
PROCAT (Professional Catalysts) is a Business Transformation and Networking Enterprise, formed by collective strength of Industry Experts and levitated by combined acumen of Business stalwarts.
READ MORE(Professional Business) is a Business Excellence Program, which provide Management Services to SME sector on time sharing basis, bringing the benefits of World Class Competences without the overbearing price tag. READ MORE
(Pro Generation Next) is an Ideation and Incubation Cell for young Technologist & Entrepreneurs, who are buzzing with bright ideas. READ MORE
(Proken) is our Knowledge Management initiative, aimed at Grooming & Mentoring. READ MORE
(Professionals Network) is a Collaboration Platform to connect Product & Service Providers, mostly in MSME sector, covering all domain and technology, in a mutually beneficial Ecosystem. READ MORE
(Professional Transformation) is a Business Transformation Engine, run by hardcore Business & Technology Experts, which works hand in hand with the Promoters to Transfer, Turnaround and Transform businesses. READ MORE