A time comes in every Business when you need A Helping hAnd, or A Course
Correction, or you Simply wAnt to grAcefully ride into the Sunset ….
We help you, by becoming A PArt of you, in thAt TrAnsition, Turn Around or TrAnsforMATion!
PROTRX (Professional Transformation) is a Business Transformation Engine, run by hardcore Business & Technology Experts, which works hand in hand with the Promoters to Transfer, Turnaround and Transform businesses.
We are actively involved in scouting and evaluating such Business entities where the Promoter(s) are no longer in a position to run the business/ would like to retire gracefully/ would prefer to migrate geographically or to other business.
We help Investors and Promoters, who are not able to dedicate necessary time & energy to their business, with Top level Management Services, by getting actively involved in Day to Day Business.
We provide CTO, CMO, CFO, COO and any other high level Management Services to the Investor/ Promoter to Turnaround any Business and/ or Operations.
A time comes in every Business unit, when they need to be uncomfortable of their comfort zone, when they need to think Out of the Box and Transform their Business.
We specialize in such Business Transformation. Our Panel of highly tenured Business & Operations Experts are Masters of their Art of Transformation.
Be it in Business Development, Finance Structure, Technology or Process Management, we have the necessary depth of Experience & Expertise to accurately identify the Transformations Needs & Avenues and channelize available resources into a performance level of a different order.
We are adequately backed up with the Collective Strength of some 160 Experts who are Networked with us to provide necessary guidance in almost every domain.
The Best part being that we become a part of the Transformation, One or more of our Subject Matter Expert get involved on Day to Day basis for the entire period of Transformation.
One key element which is (sadly) forgotten in many a Transformation stories is the Stake Holders Transformation.
Our USP is our Unique Time & Result Oriented Model.
We work on a Time Bound (Normally 3 months – 3 years) Project, where SMART KRAs are defined, based on which Results are monitored thru Specific KPI Tools.
The KRAs are set based on clear understanding with the Investors/ Promoters.
The KPIs are identified and agreed upon based on Resources available.
We set a part of our remunerations on the Results we achieve.
We specialize in providing End to End Solutions for Promoters who would like to quite and the Investors/ Promoters who wishes to Acquire a Business.
We help to Transfer, Turnaround and Transform the Business.
And all this in our highly Time Bound & Result Oriented model.
We are not just Business Consultants, but are BUSINESS CATALYSTS!
A Technologist and Entrepreneur, a passionate Innovator, an agile Game Changer, lucid Man Manager and an ardent Process Driver, who has developed some of the most sophisticated Defense Systems, engineered several leading Industrial Automation Projects, rolled out a Telecom revolution and Transformed World class Organizations, and at present is focused on putting his experience, competence & passion in to driving Business Transformation, develop Professional Collaboration platforms and encourage Ideation forums.
A Chartered Accountant with over 30 years of experience across diverse industries focusing on financial accounting & control, formulation of business strategy through budgetary process, managing business fundamentals, understanding the value drivers of business, evaluation of profitability of new businesses, formulation of internal control policies, cash flow & working capital management, treasury management, managing costs, direct & indirect taxation, audits under Indian/US GAAPs/IFRS and all techno commercial activities besides finance.
Managing Partner
Paperboat Brandworks
Vice President (R&D)
Godfrey Phillips India Ltd.
Elzix Foundation
Vibrant India Marketing & Consumer Research
PMC, Fuel & Energy Chapter
Founder & Director,
Syncoro Ventures Pvt Ltd
Senior Vice President
Reliance Life Science
Nova Surface-Care Centre Pvt. Ltd.
Business Strategy Consultant
Sanrup ECC LLP
Managing Partner
Konceptogen Agro
Sunray Renewable Power, Mumbai
Director & Brand Custodian,